On the 30th of December, safely and joyfully, CAAB celebrated Music with its members. Having previously prepared the choreographies, it was time to share the results of the rehearsals and creativity among us (and later with the community).
Thus, in groups, children, youth and adults dressed up and dacend the classics from the 40s till the 2000s. Here we share the videos and photos of this special moment. Enjoy!
This activity was supported by IPDJ, Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P.

CAAB Dança – Anos 40

CAAB Dança – Anos 50

CAAB Dança – Anos 60

CAAB Dança – Anos 70

CAAB Dança – Anos 80

CAAB Dança – Grupo Misto I

CAAB Dança – Grupo Misto II

CAAB Dança – Professores dos Workshops