
01. Educational Support

Self-Reliance & Organization

CAAB is not a tutoring center. Our members - by age group - are distributed in study rooms where experienced teachers accompany their daily study for main basic subjects of the academic year. Yes, their doubts are clarified and their preparation for tests is done by recovering content and solving exercises. However, the focus is given to the individual, his work and effort in achieving the goals.

Our members are encouraged to develop autonomy and study methods from an early age, by being guided in the process of organizing their study daily, taking into account their subjects, their difficulties and their school plan.

Our ultimate goal is that they learn to learn, discover their own way of learning successfully, so that they can apply it in their educational and professional path throughout their lives.


Knowledge & Reinforcement

Besides preparing for assessment tests throughout the year, CAAB provides specific support related to national exams. In a system that alternately promotes individual and collective study, teachers approach the content of each subject, call attention to the specificity of some questions and promote the consolidation of knowledge.

Through diagrams, exercises and alternative approaches that promote an easier memorization and the acquisition of information, CAAB assumes its role of supporting children and young people in this period of tension and anxiety. Given our experience, we also understand the role of positive reinforcement and emotional support, which is often overlooked.


Fun & Learning

One of the bases of intervention of CAAB is non-formal education: we facilitate the development of socio-personal and civic skills, always in a healthy environment of respect between peers, mixing fun, dialogue, expressions and creativity.

We always aim to promote new experiences and new learning that allow CAAB members to have fun in a healthy and diverse way, in an attitude of cooperation with each other to achieve common goals.

Thus, during school breaks, CAAB develops collective games, artistic workshops, dances, visits to cultural sites, nature trails, activities at the pool/beach, filming of short films, camping…. And more!



Do you want to know a little bit more? Do you need any specific information?

Would you like to be a CAAB member?


Contact US!

CAAB: Multidimensional Education


  • Preparation for Exams

  • Acquisition of methods

  • Sports

  • Group Dynamics

  • Workshops

  • Camping

  • Experiments

  • Nature Trails

  • Beach | Pool

  • Short Films

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