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Let’s CHARE! more info

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Nowadays, it’s undeniable that the World Wide Web is our second community and, for some youth, even the first, in terms of importance. With the rise of social networks and the strengthening of the global village, both our qualities and shortcomings are taken beyond borders. So, it is essential that we take our action online, that we fight against hate speech where it runs wild. It’s not enough to report; we need to build a counternarrative to fight the spreading of hate speech.

Therefore, it is essential to address the issue of hate speech online, providing young people organization the tools and knowledge to identify and fight them, to spread awareness on this topic and to build a healthy and safe online environment for all. So, there’s CHARE! – Challenge Hate, Act, Report and Engage!, a project supported by Erasmus+ Programme

The main objective of CHARE! is to promote an understanding of the insidious nature of hate speech and provide young people with tools to create a short movie addressing its impact – both recognized or not – in our youth, society and cohesion. Our aim is to promote awareness by means of art and moving picture, allowing young people to explore their skills in terms of motion picture and narrative building mainly.

Want to know it better? Check this PDF document explaining this project in detail.

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